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▪️ validateRequests

Determines whether the validator should validate requests.


validateRequests: true | false | {
    coerceTypes: false | true | 'array'
    removeAdditional: false | true | 'all' | 'failing'

validateRequests (optional)

  • true (default) - validate requests.
  • false - do not validate requests.
  • { ... } - validate requests with options

    • coerceTypes

      Determines whether the validator will coerce the request body. Request query and path params, headers, cookies are coerced by default and this setting does not affect that.

      See additional details on coercion and limitiations.

      Option Schema

      coerceTypes: false | true | 'array

      • true - coerce scalar data types.
      • false - (default) do not coerce types. (more strict, safer)
      • "array" - in addition to coercions between scalar types, coerce scalar data to an array with one element and vice versa (as required by the schema).
    • allowUnknownQueryParameters

      Determines whether to allow undefined query parameters to pass validation.

      Option Schema

      coerceTypes: false | true | 'array'
      - true - enables unknown/undeclared query parameters to pass validation - false - (default) fail validation if an unknown query parameter is present


      allowUnknownQueryParameters is set for the globally on the validator. It can be overwritten on a per-operation basis by using the custom OpenAPI vendor extension x-allow-unknown-query-parameters.

      The following example allows unknown query parameters for the annotated endpoint:

              x-allow-unknown-query-parameters: true   ## <--- overrides the global setting
              - name: value
                  in: query
                  type: string
                  description: success
    • removeAdditional

      Determines whether to keep or remove additional properties in request body or to fail validation if schema has additionalProperties set to false. For further details, refer to AJV documentation

      Option Schema

      removeAdditional: false | true 'all' | 'failing'
      - false (default) - not to remove additional properties - "all" - all additional properties are removed, regardless of additionalProperties keyword in schema (and no validation is made for them). - true - only additional properties with additionalProperties keyword equal to false are removed. - "failing" - additional properties that fail request schema validation will be removed (where additionalProperties keyword is false or schema).