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Q: How do I match paths, like those described in RFC-6570?

OpenAPI 3.0 does not support RFC-6570. That said, we provide a minimalistic mechanism that conforms syntactically to OpenAPI 3 and accomplishes a common use case. For example, matching file paths and storing the matched path in req.params

Using the following OpenAPI 3.x definition

      - name: path
        in: path
        required: true
          type: string

With the following Express route definition

  app.get(`/files/:path(*)`, (req, res) => { /* do stuff */ }`

A path like /files/some/long/path will pass validation. The Express req.params.path property will hold the value some/long/path.

Q: Can I use discriminators with oneOf and anyOf?

Currently, there is support for top level discriminators. See top-level discriminator example

Q: What happened to the securityHandlers property?

In v3, securityHandlers have been replaced by validateSecurity.handlers. To use v3 security handlers, move your existing security handlers to the new property. No other change is required. Note that the v2 securityHandlers property is supported in v3, but deprecated

Q: What happened to the multerOpts property?

In v3, multerOpts have been replaced by fileUploader. In order to use the v3 fileUploader, move your multer options to fileUploader No other change is required. Note that the v2 multerOpts property is supported in v3, but deprecated

Q: I can disallow unknown query parameters with allowUnknownQueryParameters: false. How can disallow unknown body parameters?

Add additionalProperties: false when describing e.g a requestBody to ensure that additional properties are not allowed. For example:

additionalProperties: false
  - name
    type: string
    type: string

Q: Can I use express-openapi-validator with swagger-ui-express?

Yes. Be sure to use the swagger-ui-express serve middleware prior to installing OpenApiValidator. This will ensure that swagger-ui-express is able to fully prepare the spec before before OpenApiValidator attempts to use it. For example:

const swaggerUi = require('swagger-ui-express')
const OpenApiValidator = require('express-openapi-validator')


app.use('/', swaggerUi.serve, swaggerUi.setup(documentation))

  apiSpec, // api spec JSON object
  //... other options

Q: I have a handler function defined on an express.Router. If i call req.params each param value has type string. If i define same handler function on an express.Application, each value in req.params is already coerced to the type declare in my spec. Why not coerce theseF values on an express.Router?

First, it's important to note that this behavior does not impact validation. The validator will validate against the type defined in your spec.

In order to modify the req.params, express requires that a param handler be registered e.g. app.param(...) or router.param(...). Since app is available to middleware functions, the validator registers an app.param handler to coerce and modify the values of req.params to their declared types. Unfortunately, express does not provide a means to determine the current router from a middleware function, hence the validator is unable to register the same param handler on an express router. Ultimately, this means if your handler function is defined on app, the values of req.params will be coerced to their declared types. If your handler function is declare on an express.Router, the values of req.params values will be of type string (You must coerce them e.g. parseInt(