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▪️ $refParser

Determines how JSON schema references are resolved by the internal json-schema-ref-parser. Generally, the default mode, bundle is sufficient, however if you use escape characters in \$refs, dereference is necessary.


#refParser: {
    mode: 'bundle' | 'dereference'

$refParser.mode (optional)

  • bundle (default) - Bundles all referenced files/URLs into a single schema that only has internal $ref pointers. This eliminates the risk of circular references, but does not handle escaped characters in $refs.
  • dereference - Dereferences all $ref pointers in the JSON Schema, replacing each reference with its resolved value. Introduces risk of circular $refs. Handles escape characters in \$refs)


dereference, for some use cases, proves more reliable, however it cannot handle circular types.

See this issue for more information.

$refParser: {
  mode: 'bundle',