▪️ formats
Defines a list of custom formats.
formats (optional)
[{ ... }]
- array of custom format objects. Each object must have the following properties:- name: string (required) - the format name
- validate: (v: any) => boolean (required) - the validation function
- type: 'string' | 'number' (optional) - the format's type
formats: [
name: 'my-three-digit-format',
type: 'number',
// validate returns true the number has 3 digits, false otherwise
validate: (v) => /^\d{3}$/.test(v.toString()),
name: 'my-three-letter-format',
type: 'string',
// validate returns true the string has 3 letters, false otherwise
validate: (v) => /^[A-Za-z]{3}$/.test(v),
Then use it in a spec e.g.